Westend Portraits
Photography Portrait Studio. Richmond, Surrey, London.

Session fee £50
We offer, three images in high and low resolution.
These images will be professionally retouched.
Price £135.00
Additional retouched images
Price £30 each
Session includes
Up to 1 hour in our large professional Richmond studio. This is taken up with time for the shoot and creative planning, plus time to check your hair, makeup change of clothes and tea or coffee.
Proofs of all selected photographs , normally about 15 to 20 are sent to you for review on the same day or following day accessed by your own private viewing gallery.
You select the photographs you like and they will be returned to you in high and low resolution. These will be re touched to the same standard seen on our website offering you unlimited use for your social media and web site requirements.

Price £290.00
Includes three images chosen by you in high and low resolution. These images will be professionally retouched.
Additional retouched images
Price £25 each
Plus addition travel costs